Dear Zindagi


When I was younger, I read somewhere that you can either choose to live your life in fear or you can choose to live your life in love. But you can’t live a life in both love and fear.

That moment I decided almost instantaneous that I wanted to live a life of love. A life that I could fill with laughs, smiles, and most importantly love. To be able to live a life without any regrets. I have seen my fair share of pain, suffering, and loss in my life and it has always made me take a step back and look at my own life. Life is one of the most precious things that has been gifted to me and it’s almost always too short, so why would you waste it?

That decision was taken by a young girl who did not think anything beyond that. There were many instances where I have lived a life filled with complete fear, something deeper and intense.

Fear of not scoring well in exams, fear of not winning the prize in elocution, fear of not making a career good enough to earn well, fear of opening my heart up, because of the fear of getting my heart broken and alone than I already do. My life was filled with undetected fears.

I have listed down things I wish I knew then:

1 – Some people are just rare. You don’t know why, you don’t know how. They have that thing that changes your whole mood and provides your whole being with positivity. Some souls are special; they’re guardian angels in disguise.

2 – Solitude is a good thing. You need to learn how to be alone without feeling lonely. Study yourself to avoid letting people telling you who you are.

3 – Happiness is little moments put together, it’s not a destination. Everything’s temporary, don’t forget.

4 – Don’t let your past control your present. Use it to change your future for the better.

5 – Don’t ever spend the night time around those you barely trust. Follow your instinct and be around people you can trust during your vulnerable moments.

6 – Some things can’t be explained, some things don’t even deserve to be described. Sometimes words ruin the beauty of a mystery.

7 – Being yourself is hard but being someone else and keeping a fake persona is harder.

8 – Family is more than flesh and blood. Most of the time, you choose your real family. Those who stand by you in darkness are your family.

9 – People love to talk. If you do good they’ll talk more, don’t feel ashamed of being proud of yourself because you hear words against your happiness. “Humbled” is a word often used by people, I dislike the hypocritically obsequious connotation of it in some contexts. I will say that you should be proud of your pride moments because such occasions have a way of putting you right in the right place!

I have my version of Dear Zindagi  enumerated for you all !!

  1. Unswerving [not changing or becoming weaker; steady or constant]

It is an absolute prerequisite to a happy and successful life. Don’t ever treat your little stupidities as if they are eccentricities that ought to be veiled from the rest of the world. Concede them and use them to define your own way of living the only life you have. All the most beautiful people in the world, the most creative, the ones who led revolutions, who discovered and invented things, did so because they embraced their own eccentricities. There’s no such thing as ‘normal’. That’s just another word for lifeless.

  1. Being Brave

 Don’t let your fears become closets for you. Open them out, feel them and turn them into the greatest courage you are capable of. I promise you, nothing will go wrong. But if you live by your fears, everything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong.

All the planning in the world, won’t take you where you want to get to. It’s fine to take chances and not to know what you want to be twenty years from now.

  1. Honoring other peoples contributions

Don’t ever take yourself seriously enough to be so clear about your own ideas that you stop respecting other people’s. Our values are our values, they don’t make us any better than anyone else, at best they make us different. Always try to see the other person’s truth, every human being has a story and you have no right to imagine that yours is better than anyone else’s.

  1. “I do good, I get benefit”

It’s a simple truth. An act of goodness becomes worthless when you assign a brownie point to yourself for it, no matter how subtly you allow yourself to do so. As benevolent as your gesture might be; someone else could have made it too. Regardless of how rich, successful and famous you become, don’t ever underestimate the grace that other people bestow upon you just by being the recipients of your kindnesses!!!!

  1. Embrace Life

Sadness and happiness have the same level of transience. Life is a balanced exchange of one with the other. Don’t attach yourself to either, they’re both going to change with the same certitude. Take them with the ephemeral spirit of their impermanence and manage them with a healthy dose of good humour.




Live now. Live today. You may not see it with your youthful eyes, but NOW is as much time as you will ever get. Because tomorrow we will all be dead. And just in case there is no cycle of rebirth etc…why take a chance.

Study hard. Work hard. Play harder. Don’t be bound by rules…don’t hurt anybody and never ever live somebody else’s dream. Remember however many times you go wrong, no matter how many times you fail, despair, feel like this world is against you….in the words of Bob Marley…at the end everything is gonna be alright!!


I’m not afraid of death. Death is a natural thing, it’s part of life. We’ll all die one day, but till then I want to live mine to the fullest. What I am afraid of though is dying with regrets. Regrets that I didn’t see the things I wanted to see, experience the moments I wanted to experience, or live the type of life that leaves a lasting footprint in people’s hearts and lives for forever.



Smile forever!

until next tym,




Hey hi!! its rightly said "Pay a farmer or pay the hospital" , the motto of this blog is lucid. I am Aqsa Temrikar ,engineer by education and in a passionate relationship with writing... This blog aims at removing the social stigma associated with "plus size wali" ... enjoy the size u are in!!!! I certainly don't aim at justifying the unhealthy attitude of living but aim at not to humiliate the ones in that zone and boost the confidence of "plus size" . health_fashion_styling_makeup and more Aware NOT Ashamed!!! Concerned NOT conscious!!!!!!!!!!! lets start all u beautiful girlyyyyy out there.. i luv u all so much !!!

5 thoughts on “Dear Zindagi

  1. Good to see a post from you after such a long time and what a way to announce your return, absolutely inspirational!
    True, life is balanced exchange, and it should be embraced. Live now, live today knowing that death will come when it needs to.
    I don’t know about the footprints left in life but this inspirational post has indeed left a footprint in my thoughts.
    By the way, I finally got to know your name. I already know two other Aqsas in blogging. Anyways, nice to meet you Aqsa!


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