
One question that lies behind every struggle we face is: How do I deal with it??

Behind all our stumbles, behind all our missteps, behind all our failing steps lies the inability to handle, what I would call I-factor.

We have to realize, I am responsible for all I have got in life and for all I have lost. And I am solely able to change My Life, My Destiny!


Life gives us experiences for personal development. Appreciate the lessons and be a learner. Let the gladness of your soul blossom.

Each of us experiences ,the perpetual revival of the self. We constantly recast our emotional index by perceiving each encounter in life as a marvel, impedance, problem, disaster, or nothing at all. Living in the moment allows us to escape the lonely landscape of self-interest and be part of a larger world filled with beauty, reverence, and adoration.

Nothing is permanent, if not joys, certainly not the sorrows. We should embrace the broader sense of life.

Few steps that I have implemented to buy peace for myself are:

  • Appreciate what you have – and don’t long for what you don’t have: Yes, crying all the time for things that you do not have whether it is for your appearance or material goods can be a bad source for your self-esteem and your state of mind. Of course you are not perfect, but you do possess qualities that many people don’t.
  • Don’t wait for your dream opportunities; create new ones with what you have right now:Yes, dreaming is a good thing. Strive to convert the dream to reality. You have to look around and see what you have and what can you do with that.
  • You can choose happiness each day:This is true. Every morning when you wake up, you can choose, so your mind knows whether to produce positive or negative thoughts. You are the worst enemy of yourself by letting your fears and negative thoughts obsess your head. As a result you will feel weak; you won’t stand up for your rights each day because you are afraid.
  • By not appreciating yourself, you don’t let other people appreciate you : You have to let your mind to produce thoughts, which you believe in yourself, and you are the best. Not just that, you have to believe it. You are worth it and you have to make it happen to actually you have a faith in yourself and your abilities. At that moment when you will believe in yourself, things will change rapidly. You will see that other people will treat you with more respect.

I know one thing as a matter of fact; the above points will b more”drama than real”. These are very popularly seen in books, internet, counseling sessions etc etc. We often read them and appreciate but never adhere. And this is the real reason why they never seem real!!!

I have few friends, who in my opinion, are sorted in life. They belong to lovely family, are educated, are married, have kids, have settled finances etc etc. Now the real question: are you happy??? If there is a slightest trace of negation in your answer, then all the above mentioned blessings from Almighty are of no use. May be everything in your house is sorted, but not you. May be there is some unsaid desire in your heart, that needs fulfilment. May be you need a life!!


The desire can be as small as mine, (I am sure my family will kill me for it!!!) I want a vacation with friends to a dream destination. That’s it!!

But yes I have found the love of my life in writing. This is something I longed for. If I can follow my heart after reaching late 20s, everyone should. Choose a small occupancy, get involved, and get happy!!

The rejuvenating power of gratefulness should never be forgotten. Even if some desires CAN’T be materialized there’s enough to celebrate, rejoice!! Being thankful has a profound impact on your spiritual and psychological well being.

  • Spiritually, gratefulness is a demonstration of your acceptance of Almighty’s will.
  • Psychologically thankfulness makes your heart at peace by focusing on all that you have rather than what you don’t have. It prevents depression when you enumerate your blessings.

Lastly, LOVE. It’s that amazing feeling which sums up all complaints with a beautiful smile:-)

ma mère

Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:

1. Acceptance
2. Understanding
3. Appreciation

Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apartL . Which, by the way, is something highly inadvisable?

Think about it — do you really want to live in a world of only two dimensions??

If not, learn to add a dimension of  LOVE,SMILE, APPRECIATION in your 2D life and see your amazingly creative 3D life , with I-factor!!20141011_121715-1



Until next time,

luv you all,



Hey hi!! its rightly said "Pay a farmer or pay the hospital" , the motto of this blog is lucid. I am Aqsa Temrikar ,engineer by education and in a passionate relationship with writing... This blog aims at removing the social stigma associated with "plus size wali" ... enjoy the size u are in!!!! I certainly don't aim at justifying the unhealthy attitude of living but aim at not to humiliate the ones in that zone and boost the confidence of "plus size" . health_fashion_styling_makeup and more Aware NOT Ashamed!!! Concerned NOT conscious!!!!!!!!!!! lets start all u beautiful girlyyyyy out there.. i luv u all so much !!!

8 thoughts on “I-Factor

    1. Jothish.. i just followed ur blog…ur blog on :if women dint exist was v nyc.. v happy to connect to u this way.. thnks a tonn fr all ur appreciation..means a lott..keep writing ur blogs ..n also reading mine.. although some sections related to makeup products may nt please u.. bt nevertheless others will.. stay connected…tc

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s my pleasure Aqsa! Feel happy about the fact that I am being followed by a really special person with such an open minded personality. Keep writing and yes I can assure you that I’ll be there to appreciate your talent.


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